The Cheater's Digest from True Images is Utopia in disk form if you want to get more from your games than a couple of loads and a few inept attempts to atomise some undesirables before that frustrated sigh turns into one of those excuses…
It comes in the form of a double-sided disk containing cheats, hints, tips and complete solutions for 391 ST games, lf that doesn't keep you holding down A, G, Y, £ and, er, the space-bar (after the credit screen) until this time next year, then they've even thrown in three complete games and a comprehensive word processor - all for less than a fiver.
The word processor is adequate enough for the task and the games (Space Invaders, Robotz and Rockfall) are all standard freebie efforts that should keep you vaguely amused for half an hour or so.
The cheating directory is a huge word processor file so it's easy to manipulate, update and add your own little cheats and password-thingys should the mood suddenly take you, one wet and dreary November evening. One or two of the inclusions that we tested didn't seem to do very much but, with luck, they're in a minority and there seems to be hundreds of work-able tips for the dustier and the more recent ST games.
But it's cheap, handy and (on the wholes pretty useful. Definitely recommended.