ST Amiga Format 8 - February 1989

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Purple Saturn Day! Multigame graphic genius from Infogames

Speech Synth - Make your own talkies with our ST project
Protext - Full test of hot new Amiga W/P
Steve Bak Packs - Top programmer spills big game secrets


Cover Disk

  • Purple Saturn day  
  • Database construction set  
  • Message writer  
  • DOSACC  
  • Cheats  

News Items

Super ST Surprise Atari's much rumoured Super ST - which has been making headlines more often than the Sunday Sport's WWII-Bomber-on-the-Moon stories - is closer to being reality after US-based Megabyte Computers' revelation that it is negotiating with Atari to supply its high-speed circuit boards.
Minix Mimix Unix It had to happen. After all Unix's recent press attention, publisher Prentice-Hall has announced a Unix-like shell for the ST
Now an Amiga Laptop? To prove how close the ST and Amiga really are, no sooner have rumours of the ST laptop Stacy emerged than an Amiga model leaks out
Chip Famine stretches into '89 The Great Memory Chip Scare was the marathon story of '88, but reassuring announcements by Atari and Commodore have recently given the impression that all is sweet.
Operating Difficulties Proud owners fo the Amigas brought in the Christmas rush are finding a few problems with some software
The Sales are On Prospective purchasers of STs and Amigas have never had it so good.
Autistic Talent 1989 will see the games software houses working together for charity in aid of autistic children.
Digitising Service You've seen all those glossy digitised screens in magazines, but how on earth can you get equally impressive images in your own paint package?
68010 upgrade kits Following the recent correspondence in Format's pages about upgrading an Amiga's 68000 microprocessor to a 68010, Copse Side Industries are offering a DIY kit to do just that.
1988 and all that! The Format team cast a caustic eye over the last year
Amiga Bridge Board Format's story of 1988 products wouldn't be complete without the Amiga XT Brige Board - a PC emulator for the A200

Games Reviewed

Baal Psygnosis £19.95 91%
Cosmic Pirate Palace £19.95 79%  
Galdregon's Domain Pandora £19.99 87%  
Incedible Shrinking Sphere Activision £19.95 80%  
LED Storm US Gold £19.95 71%  
Night Hunter Electronic Arts / UBI Soft £19.95 69%  
Purple Saturn Day Ere/Infrogrames £24.95 98%
Who Framed Roger Rabit Buena Vista Software £29.99 70%  


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