ST Format 59 - June 1994

Feeling Creative Punk?

We'll make your day by showing you how to create and star in your own movies - just like Clint!

Get Organised! Discover how to sort out your ST good 'n' proper

Turn your ST into a UNIX - we show you how!

Discover DTP - with our special 7 page feature
Rock 'N' Roll clams- exclusive review!


Cover Disk

  • Quartet Player Play and alter your Quartet tunes
  • Supercard Upgrade The update to this popular database
  • Cheats A dozen cheats for Cover Disk #games
  • Pothole 2 Fast and addictive Boulderdash clone
  • Morph Create your own T2-style morphs
  • Mouse KA Mania Revolutionise your ST's mouse pointer
  • Videomaster Latest version of Microdeal's brilliant digitiser software plus huge demo

News Items

Atari expect to stay in the Red Atari have reported big losses for last year’s operations, although they didn’t lose as much as they did the previous year.
No falcon support from Atari If you have brought one of the Falcons that were sold early in 1993 then you may have problems with certain types of software.
STF grabs 53% of ST Mag Market! Latest ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulation) figures for the preiod July to December last year reveal that ST FORMAT has increased its share of the market to a significant 53% while "competitors" ST Review and ST User have experienced major falls in circulati

Games Reviewed

Jaguar: Tempest 2000 Atari £44.99 97%
Muzzy Holburn Software £5.99 80%  
Rock 'n' Roll Clams Caspian Software £14.99 72%  
The Battle of Britain US Gold/Lucas Arts £16.99 66%  


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